What are some psychological facts that people don't know?

 People actually look more attractive than they really are when they speak about the things they are passionate about. This is one of the greatest mind hacks in life.

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The inability to fall asleep in night means you are awake in someone’s dream.

  1. People learn the most by observing other people. This is the Social learning theory by Albert Bandura.
  2. Being with happy people makes you happier.
  3. The people who like the window seat, when they travel, like to be alone.
  4. If you announce your goals to others, you are less likely to make them happen because you lose motivation, studies confirmed.
  5. Intelligent people are easily annoyed by people in general but tend to say nothing in attempt to avoid meaningless argument.
  6. You can’t change anyone, their actions, words or feelings. However you can change yours.
  7. People who hide their emotions tend to be the ones who care the most.
  8. Stress is the main and most common psychosocial factor that can cause chronic diseases and worsen acute diseases.
  9. Our brains remember the negatives, rather than the positives. This helps us to better protect ourselves.
  10. No matter how hard you try. You can never remember how your dreams started.
  11. If you always thinking about someone and sometimes they randomly pop up in your head, they miss you and you are also on their mind :)
  12. Marrying your best friend decreases divorce by 70%.
  13. Pretending you don’t ave feelings such as; anger, loneliness or sadness, can mentally destroy you.
  14. If you need to get motivated, take a shower, being clean is proven to increase your productivity.
  15. Anger is natural defence against pain. So when someone says I hate you, it really means “ you hurt me “
  16. The best way to appreciate someone is to imagine your life without them.
  17. A study concluded that Spending money on others yields more happiness than spending it on yourself.
  18. You can hold your pee by thinking about sex.
  19. Those who tend to help others and give advice usually are the ones who have problems themselves.
  20. Smoking tobacco and having an unhealthy diet cause’s cancer more than alcohol would.
  21. Chewing gum can relieve stress.
  22. Smart people tend to underestimate themselves. (Lol, that explains it!).
  23. Attraction to another can be determined in 1–3 minutes usually upon meeting someone.
  24. Comedians and funny people, are actually more depressed than others.
  25. The more you talk about someone. The more you fall in love with them.

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